
from $16.00

Corylus americana

Hazelnuts, also known as American Filberts, are very hardy shrubs that provide an abundance of delicious, nutritious nuts. They generally grow between 4 and 10 feet tall, but once established can be pruned heavily into whatever shape you desire. They often grow multiple leaders, and periodically cutting those leaders down to the ground (during dormancy) will help promote vigorous growth and health. Hazelnuts are wind-pollinated and require at least two in order to make nuts.

Hazelnuts need protection from deer and rabbits when young, but once established they can tolerate quite a bit of browse. Companion planting with aromatics like Anise Hyssop and Walking Onions might help reduce browse pressure, and nitrogen fixers like Senna or Siberian Pea Shrub can be co-planted as a chop-n-drop for accelerated growth. The hardiness and form of hazelnuts makes them great additions to a windbreak or hedgerow.

All our hazelnuts are grown from seed collected from our plantings in Smithfield, RI. We select from the largest and most productive plants and grow them out for you! They are sold as first-year bare-root seedlings that we grow out in air prune beds in rich, fungal soil. You can expect a plant at least one foot tall with a dense, bushy root system.

Site Preference

Partial shade to full sun, well-drained soil


At least down to zone 4; seeds need cold stratification

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from $16.00